Photo Gallery
9/11 Remembrance Prep Continues
Since the dedication of the memorial back on September 11, 2006, both the North East side of the base of the fire fighter statue and the bronze World Trade Center plaque have been constantly sand blasted for thirteen storm seasons. This morning the plaque was refinished with several hours of hand painting by our fire department Chaplain.
Additional work to follow as we continue to prepare for the annual services. Once again Ocean City's Tower 1 will be will be arriving at the memorial site on 9/11, at approximately 08:15, to set the Arial, and raise the American flag. Between 08:30 and apparently 10:40 our Honor Guard will be posted during the broadcasting of the six key memorial announcements made by Ocean City's communications center, denoting the key tragic events of that morning.
One announcement for each of the four terrorist plane strikes, and honoring those that lost their lives in the crashes, and two additional announcements denoting the times of each tower collapse, and honoring all that lost their lives at Ground Zero, and for the countless others we have lost afterwards, as a result of working the rescue and recovery efforts.
The second event of the morning at the site is the arrival of the Maryland Red Knights annual memorial ride and service. (For details of how to participate in the boardwalk ride, refer to the MD Red Knights web site.) Boardwalk riders normally arrive at the North Division St Memorial around 11:40 to 11:45, with services beginning at Noon.
Both events are open to the public, and all are welcome. Any Active / Retired, Fire Fighter that would like to participate in either event is welcome to stand with us, noting Honor Guard participation must be Class A, (dress uniform). Group formation dress, minimum of collared uniform shirt and full length pants. (No shorts or tee shirts, please.)
Interested Honor Guard participants contact Chaplain Kevin Knowles, at [email protected]
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