Points System
The Ocean City Volunteer Fire Company currently uses a point system modeled after the MSFA Length of Service Award Program (LOSAP). The point system determines the activity required by a member in order to remain a member in good standing in their roll (active, associate, etc.).
Membership Type - Points Requirement
Active Members: 60 points in three (3) different categories per calendar year
(ex. 20 points drills + 30 points duty crews + 10 points alarms = 60 point active year)
Associate Members: 30 points in a single category per calendar year
(ex. 30 points duty crews = 30 points associate year)
How do I submit for credit?
Electronic Red Alert Mark-Up System
Please use the red alert "fingerprint" kiosk located in each firehouse for the following:
For Alarms: Click "Attendance" then enter your 4 digit number and fingerprint when prompted. Click on the incident(s) you wish to mark-up for then click on your the unit you were assigned to and position you were riding in (click POV for from home response or FIREHOUSE for standby), then submit. DRIVERS - Make sure to indicate "DRIVER" in riding position for yearly driving credit to maintain your FADO.
For Auto-Credit/Standby Hours: Click "Sign-In/Sign-Out" then enter your 4 digit number and fingerprint when prompted. Click on the unit you will be riding and position you will be riding in. Remember to sign out when you leave. You will be automatically signed out at 0700 or 1900 and need to sign back in at those times.
To check your personal stats: Click "Statistics" then enter your 4 digit number and fingerprint when prompted. Your current statistics will be displayed along with your points total.
(There are paper fire incident mark-up sheets in the control room in case of a system failure. Follow instructions below.)
Paper Mark-Up Sheets
For station level drills, formal training, committee meetings, collateral duties, and military service fill out a sheet located in the control room at headquarters and place into the upright wooden mailbox on the counter next to the radio.
Attendance at company meetings, board meetings, formal drills, and duty crews will be taken by a board or company officer.
Copies of these sheets are located at the bottom of this page under "downloads" in case they are unavailable in station. The files are password protected. The password will be available in the headquarters control room (same as wifi password).
Regular Business Meeting
7:00 PM
Board of Directors Meeting
7:00 PM
Regular Business Meeting
7:00 PM