College Summer Live-In Program
Two College Summer Live-Ins at a fire at the Mad Fish West Ocean City
Are you a college student (or soon to be one) that has fire training and wants to live-in at a beachside community fire company for the summer?!
Well - you're in luck!
The Volunteer Fire Company of Ocean City, Maryland wants you!
Spend your summers in between semesters running calls at the beach. Make new friends, get a tan, enjoy the nightlife, and have fun.... all while being a part of the town's volunteer fire and rescue service!
Those who are majoring in emergency services related degrees may even be able arrange time and internship with the Fire-EMS Division and Fire Marshal's Office for educational hours towards their degree completion (depending on your school's academic programs).
You will be given free room and board with amenities - and for what in exchange: All you have to do is take care of the firehouse, help out when asked, and most of all ---- participate in running calls and duty crews!
College Summer Live-Ins Cole Zink and Kyle Bohannan of Eastern Kentucky University handle a Water Rescue with the U.S. Coast Guard as part of the OCFD Water Rescue Team-Rescue Swimmer Program
College Summer Live-Ins Zach Basar, Jack Turner, Kyle Bohannan, and Cole Zink of Eastern Kentucky University handle an Aircraft Accident at the Ocean City Municipal Airport
Complete the following to apply to the program:
Okay... so how do I do apply to the program?
First - apply to the volunteer fire company as an associate member and indicate that you wish to participate in the "summer college live-in program". Submit proof of college attendance or enrollment with this application.
When should I apply to the program?
The fall/winter/spring prior to the first summer you wish to participate. This will ensure you have time to get a physical, background check, and interview completed as well as the basic training requirements needed to ride.
What minimum training do I need to apply?
Firefighter I (NFPA 1001) - This can be from your home state or proboard. Make sure to submit a copy for verification and provide detailed documentation if not proboard certified.
Do I have to be from any specific or in-state college?
No! You can be from any "brick and mortar" regionally accredited college.
Am I guaranteed a room in the program if I submit an application?
No. This program has to be run on a "first come, first serve" basis due to the availability of space - so please apply early!
Am I guaranteed an internship if I submit an application?
No. There are limited intership slots that are on a "first come, first serve" basis - however this doesn't limit you from being a part of the summer live-in program. You can still be a summer live-in and are not required to participate in the internship program.
What station will I be living in?
That answer varies. It depends on a few variables - namely where space is available and level of training, experience, etc. Click Here to see the year-round live-in page for descriptions of the living quarters and areas.
As a summer college live-in do I have to meet every requirement of the live-in agreement?
In general most summer college live-ins only stay 3-4 months and return to their respective colleges during the rest of the year. During the period in which you are here you are required to meet the participation requirements (percentages) and follow the rules. Items like becoming a driver, obtaining a class "B" driver's license, etc. are waived provided you stay less than 6 months as when you leave your live-in agreement becomes null and void.
If my live-in agreement voids when I leave to go back to school for the year, does this mean I have to re-apply to come back next year?
Yes - however as a returning live-in with experience in the department you will be given preference over new applicants.
If my live-in agreement voids when I leave, can I still come back and ride while I'm on winter/spring break? Can I stay a member even if I am not a summer college live-in?
Yes - as an associate member you will be able to keep your gear and ride whenever you'd like (provided you meet the required points each year per the normal associate membership requirements).
When do I need to apply to the program by?
April 15th. Later applications will be considered however availablity of space and training dates will determine acceptance into the program.
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