The Ocean City Volunteer Fire Company, Inc. solicits for donations by direct mail only once a year. In addition, we now accept your dontations via our new web site. We need you and you need us! Our highly trained volunteers are available to you around the clock and we need your help, so please donate whatever you feel you can afford.
What Your Support Has Accomplished?
Your past support has achieved a great deal. We have been able to operate and maintain six fire stations and 30 pieces of apparatus. This support has allowed us to repair vital pieces of equipment and also to acquire needed protective clothing and gear for our firefighters. All of this is needed if we are to accomplish our mission of protecting lives and property here in Ocean City.
How Will Your Donation Be Utilized?
Your donation will be used to purchase new fire gear, maintain existing fire apparatus, and rehab several engines.
It cost a great deal of money to provide the required training and to purchase the specialized equipment that we use on a daily basis.
As you can see, your donation is critical in maintaining the highest level of emergency attention available to the residence and visitors of Ocean City. It allows your volunteers to provide you with protection at a continual level of readiness.
Your donation will also be used to keep this site up to date with the latest news pictures of your community and your local fire compay.
What About Your Volunteers?
We are proud that so many citizens are willing to volunteer their time to provide protection to the residents of Ocean City and to the 350,000 families that visit the resort every year. The 125 men and women of the Ocean City Volunteer Fire Company responded to over 1500 alarms, participated in hundreds of hours of training and donated thousands of hours of service during 1998.
Your support and generosity goes a long way in endorsing these highly trained and motivated volunteers. Please do not underestimate how important your donation is.
Please help us by making your tax deductible donation when you recieve your donation letter, or make a one time gift via our website.Your generosity will insure we fulfill our commitment to you, your family and guests.
Thank for helping us make a difference!
Regular Business Meeting
7:00 PM
Board of Directors Meeting
7:00 PM
Regular Business Meeting
7:00 PM