Rookie School
Origins of Rookie School
The Probationary Firefighter School, or "Rookie School", as it is often called, was created in 2017 by volunteer members Lt. Alan Jarmon, A/Lt. Michael Mowbray, and Firefighter Jimmy Carter. The inaugural Rookie School Class had 8 students and was held in April of 2018.
What is "Rookie School"?
The Rookie School is a seven session course which provides our probationary firefighters with the most basic information regarding the Ocean City Fire Department, including the operating procedures and policies. Students are given a Rookie Book welcoming them to the department. The book provides the students with expectations, an outline of the program, ideas for future training, and access to the Company's Bylaws and department SOP/SOGs.
If I am brand new (with no training), what do I have to complete?
Probationary Firefighters with no prior fire training must complete all 7 sessions of the course. A quiz is given at the end of each session. A passing grade of 70% or higher must be obtained. Rookies are able to start riding apparatus as an Observer/Exterior Only Firefighter after Session 4 and are encouraged to start their MFRI Maryland Firefighter I training during their Rookie year.
If I have previous training and experience, is the Rookie School shortened?
Those with previous fire training may test out of the majority of the sessions, but are still required to complete Sessions 1, 2, 3, and 4.
When will I be allowed to wear SCBA and operate as an Interior Firefighter?
Regardless of training level or experience, before a probationary firefighter can wear SCBA he or she must complete SCBA familiarizaiton, successfully traverse the SCBA Maze while on air, and attend a live training burn.
Are there any requirements I must complete/meet after I finish rookie school to complete my probationary year?
Yes, after completion of Rookie School and assignment to your platoon/officers you must complete the following:
- Probationary Check-Sheets for Engine, Truck, and Rescue: These are to be completed with your officers or those permitted to help you complete those tasks. Completing these sheets may be accomplished in one-on-one sessions, with multiple probationary members, at duty crews, or during drill nights (if tasks in the book are being covered as part of the drill). These sheets are located in the back of your rookie book.
- Officer and Administrative Personnel Signature Sheets: This list requires you to meet/introduce yourself to the officers and administrative personnel of the Volunteer Fire Company and Fire Department. These sheets are located within your rookie book. The easiest way to complete this is to attend company meetings and board meetings.
- Tour of Fire Stations and Communication Center: This can be completed at any time during your probationary year with any officer or permitted senior member.
- Minimum Required Training: Firefighter I, Haz-Mat Awareness, and CPR/AED (or as determined by level of membership) must be completed.
- Points Requirement: Attain 60 points (for active members) or 30 points (for associate members)
If you have any questions regarding the Probationary Firefighter School, please contact any instructor through Ocean City Fire Headquarters, (410) 289-4346.
Probationary Firefighter School Sessions
Session 1
Organization & Communications - Online
Session 2
SOGs, By-Laws, and History - Online
Session 3
Safety, PPE, & SCBA - Online
Session 4
Ambulance Orientation, CPR, AED, and First Aid - Blended Online/In-Person
Session 5
Engine Company Operations - Blended Online/In-Person
Session 6
Truck Company Operations - Blended Online/In-Person
Session 7
Rescue Company Operations - Blended Online/In-Person
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7:00 PM
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