Connor Braniff
Connor Braniff is a first-generation volunteer fire fighter and has been a member since 2008, and in the fire service in general since 2006. Connor is an Ocean City local, and a Stephen Decatur High School graduate. While at Decatur, he was the member of the Seahawks 2002 Soccer State Championship team and was an All-Conference Lacrosse player. He Graduated w/ Bachelor of Science Degree from University of Delaware which is where he started his fire department career as a FF/EMT with Aetna HHL of Newark, De.
Connor was a Surf Rescue Technician/ Supervisor with the Ocean City Beach Patrol for 4 years with most of that time spent in the Inlet Service Area. Professionally, he owns a local property management company focusing on Condominium Association & Homeowner’s associations. He lives in West Ocean City with his wife who is an OCPD K9 Officer with their three dogs, Tegan, Klem and Bain. In his spare time he enjoys fishing, surfing and most anything water related in general. He also collects Civil War artifacts and enjoys Military History.
Connor is current in charge of the Live In Program and also assists with the duty crews during the busy Summer month. He comes from B Platoon previously, having served as a FADO and FF/EMT before being promoted to Lieutenant & Captain previously. Administratively, he has been the Treasurer 2014/2015 and 2017- 2018. In addition to normal classes, Connor holds Fire Officer II, Instructor II, EMT-B and numerous technical and specialized classes. He has been a member and Instructor with the OCFD Water Rescue Team and has been a Rescue Diver with the OCFD Dive Team.
Positions Held:
- 2019 - 3rd Assistant Chief
- 2018 - Treasurer
- 2018 - Captain
- 2017 - Treasurer
- 2017 - Lieutenant
- 2016 - Lieutenant
- 2015 - Treasurer
- 2015 - Lieutenant
Regular Business Meeting
7:00 PM
Board of Directors Meeting
7:00 PM
Regular Business Meeting
7:00 PM