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Retired BC Rickards Recieves Appreciation Plaque

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

These types of presentations are normally made at volunteer fire company regular business meetings, but COVID-19 restrictions have prevented those since early March 2000.  We did not want BC Rickards to have to wait any longer.

Assistant Chief Jester was able to meet BC Rickards at OCFD HQ this afternoon for the presentation.  "I really appreciate this, it's very nice." said Rickards.  "It was a great career, it helped me provide for my family and the city was a great employer." Rickards added.  "The volunteers and the career staff worked well together and I have friendships to this day because of the volunteer fire company."

BC Rickards is on the part-time employee list for the OCFD, is self-employed and working through his retirement.

We wish you all the best as the future unfolds and hope you will always remember that your family here in the OCFD will always welcome you home.

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