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Vehicle Fire - Winter Harbor Drive
Friday, October 30, 2015
The Ocean City VFC responded to an afternoon vehicle fire on Winter Harbor Drive. First arriving officer (off duty) Lt. Trevor Steedman went on scene with a truck on fire next to a residence with some extension. Initial reports of an explosion in the vehicle were confirmed by Lt. Steedman and requested the upgrade to a fire alarm response. Bethany Beach VFC and the Ocean City Bomb Squad was alerted to assist. First arriving unit Engine 4 dropped a supply mid block and stretched a bumper line. Crews quickly put a knock on the fire and only had minimal heat damage into the house. The explosions were later identified as 1lb propane cylinders used for camping in the rear of the truck.
Regular Business Meeting
7:00 PM
Regular Business Meeting
7:00 PM
Board of Directors Meeting
7:00 PM
Regular Business Meeting
7:00 PM

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