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Retired BC Scott Recieves Appreciation Plaque

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

These types of presentations are normally made at volunteer fire company regular business meetings, but COVID-19 restrictions have prevented those since early March 2000.  We did not want BC Scott to have to wait any longer.

Assistant Chief Jester chased-down BC Scott on a part-time shift for the OCFD for the presentation.  "I really appreciate this," BC Scott said of the presentation, "you folks have always been good friends." Scott added.  "There's been a lot of changes since I started. In the beginning there were big fires and big crashes, no medians and no median fences back then." Scott said.  BC Scott still works on a part-time basis for Ocean City and is a full-time career Firefighter/Paramedic for the Bethany Beach (DE) Volunteer Fire Company.

Best of luck to you chief, you will always have a home with us in the Ocean City Fire Department.

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